Friends of Peary's Eagle Island
2024 Update: With no dock or moorings, access is by small craft able to pull up on the beach.
The house/museum remains closed.
Trails will open 7/15/24.
FAQs for Eagle Island 2024
How do I get to Eagle Island?
Access to the island will be challenging for 2024. There is no dock or available moorings. Small watercraft can pull up on the sandy beach in front of the house & lawn.
Are there restrooms?
Yes. There are 2 composting toilets available on the island. There are no sinks, no running water or hand pumped water.
Please note: Eagle Island does not meets ADA standards and has major barriers. Mobility impaired people, even with assistance, will be unable to access the island.
Per The State of Maine:​
Overnight use of moorings is prohibited.
Stay on designated trails. Trails are for walking only.
Pets must be kept on a leash and under control at all times; please pick up after your pet.
Fires are strictly prohibited on the Eagle Island. The Island does not have any grills or designated areas for making fires.
Do not pick or remove anything natural: please leave it for others to enjoy.
Enjoy wildlife from a distance: do not feed or disturb animals or birds.
When is Eagle Island open?
Eagle Island is open from June 15 to Labor Day.
The house/museum remain closed for 2024.
When are the trails open?
Because Eagle Island is a bird sanctuary, the trails are closed until July 15. After July 15 the entire island is open for exploration.
How long does it take to get to Eagle Island?
From S. Harpswell it's about a 10 minute boat ride.
From Bailey Island it's about a 20 minute boat ride.
From Freeport, it's about a 40 minute boat ride.
From Portland, it's about a 60 minute boat ride.
What is there to do on Eagle Island?
There are hiking trails throughout the island. Picnic tables are available on all corners of the island. There is a small beach for those adventuous enough to take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean.
Are there events for kids?
There are trails and a small beach to explore.
Are tours available?
A narrative tour can be found on our website. A video at the
Visitor Center provides an overview of the island, Admiral Peary's
career, and his family.
Is there food available?
No food is available for sale on Eagle Island. Cold bottled water can be purchased at the Trading Post. Picnic areas with tables available and stationed around the island. No fires are allowed anywhere on the island.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes. The dog must be leashed, unless swimming.
Where can I get more information about Eagle Island?
Additional information about the island is available from
The Friends of Peary's Eagle Island through our email address: friendsofpearyseagleisland@gmail.com
State of Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands at maine.gov/eagleisland